A Brief History of All Things Us

It all started with a dream. The dream of a doe-eyed, baby faced adolescent boy who aspired to one day share his love of all things hairy with the world through a mediocre mustache based magazine. One etymology project, four staff members, and five days later, Handlebar Magazine was born. So sit back and shave your worries for later. It's time for the hairy truth.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Valentine's Day: Cornered

The words “Chuck” and “Klosterman” have always held a certain mystique for me. Waiting for the bell back in freshman Intro to 2D, I used to stare at these words peeking out of supercuteHHSartgod Michael Buchanan’s backpack and think to myself “Man, I am totally diggin’ that typeface,” “is eating a dinosaur actually feasible...?” and “what does sex and drugs have to do with Cocoa Puffs anyway?”

So, I was extremely excited to learn that Klosterman is among the “famouses” who have graced This American Life with their contributions.
In his radio segment “Bolt of Lightning, Pro and Con,” Klosterman bemusedly recounts the one time in college he confronted his first girlfriend empty-handed on Valentine’s Day. Beginning his story, Klosterman bashfully admits he somehow managed to pass the majority of his young life unaware of the fact that Valentine’s Day gifts are, indeed, given post-third grade. Smooth, Chuckie. Real smooth.
I won’t spoil the ending, but I will say the solution Klosterman conjures up is enough to make even MacGyver blush. Valentine’s Day is awkward enough, but this quippy, coming-of-age story brings the awkwardness to a whole new level. Definitely worth a listen.

--Alison Mansfield

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